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カフェの真ん中で腕を自在に動かしながらパフォーマンスを発揮するSawyerが人気ですが、このSawyerを開発したのが博士が会長兼CTOを務める米Rethink Robotics社です。産業用ロボットとして開発したSawyerが、日本ではドリップコーヒーを淹れていると聞き、“わが息子”の働きを観に来たのです。

ブルックス博士に「Welcome to Henn-na Café, Dr.Rodney Brooks.」と挨拶したSawyerは、QRコードを確認後、掴んだ紙コップをサーバーに移動、淹れたてのコーヒーを博士に提供したり、後ろを向いてドリップを洗浄したりと黙々と仕事をこなしていました。この日のSawyerは、博士のために、いつもより多めのセリフを練習し、タイミング良く語りかけていました。



7月初旬から、Rethink Roboticsは日本のサービス産業向けロボット市場をQBIT Roboticsとともに新規開拓するパートナーとして力を注いでくれています。

The father of robots Rodney Brooks visited the Henn na Café

Rodney Brooks the former professor of MIT had visited the Henn na Café in Shibuya managed by the travel agency H.I.S.

Henn na Café is a café where a red one-armed collaborative robot Sawyer makes drip coffee with a barista-machine Poursteady. Sawyer’s performance to prepare and serve coffee is eye-catching. Sawyer was developed by Rethink Robotics where Dr. Brooks is currently the Chairman and CTO. Sawyer was designed to execute tasks that have been impractical to automate with traditional industrial robots, however after hearing that Sawyer is serving coffee, Dr. Brooks had to stop by to see his “Child” work.

After greeting Dr. Brooks with the statement ”Welcome to Henn-na Café, Dr. Brooks” Sawyer verified the QR code, grasped the paper cup, carried it to the barista machine, delivered the drip coffee to Dr. Brooks, and washed the coffee dripper without a hassle. Sawyer had practiced additional phrases outside his repertoire for the today to greet Dr.Brooks.

Dr. Brooks was the former director of the MIT Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and one of the founders of iRobot, the manufacturer of “Roomba.” He is also an advisor of GE and Toyota’s AI and robotics research.

Dr. Brook’s had visited Japan to make a keynote at the ALIFE 2018 conference in Odaiba, Tokyo. He had arranged his time to stop by the Henn na Café during his stay.


株式会社QBIT Robotics
東京都千代田区平河町1-6-15 USビル7F

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